In a letter, Calpers expressed concern about consistent auditing and enforcement of international rules to ensure credible financial statements. 该基金在一份信函中表示,它对审计的连贯性以及实行该准则能否保证财务报告的可信度感到担心。
Of course, at least in Python, the verification or enforcement of declared rules will always boil down to procedural checks. 当然,起码在Python中,声明规则的验证和增强总是会归结为过程式检查。
The biggest problem with such implementations has been that they produce a highly inconsistent enforcement of rules and makes rapid change to them virtually impossible. 此类实现的最大问题在于,它们使得规则的强制实施变得高度不一致,并使得对规则的快速更改几乎无法实现。
In a drawing tool, there is no error checking or enforcement of rules. 在绘图工具中,没有错误检查,也不执行任何规则。
In this case, the mobile cloud conceivably can enhance enforcement of access control rules. 这种情况下,移动云会理所当然地增强访问控制规则的实施。
The scope of the policy covers privacy policies and rules, security policies and rules, transactional and enforcement rules. 这个策略的范围包括了隐私策略和规则,安全性策略和规则、交易和实施规则。
The successful enforcement of these rules will remove causes of disagreement. 成功地执行这些规则有助于消除产生分歧的根源。
Port state control is to be given new guidelines by Brussels on the enforcement of the low-sulphur rules. 港口国管理将由布鲁塞尔方针进行指导,目的在于实施低硫标准。
The enforcement of environmental rules and the establishment of a genuine regulatory regime promise to be much thornier tasks. 执行环保规定和建立真正的监管体制将是更为艰难的任务。
Article 1 The Enforcement Rules of the Statistics Act are enacted pursuant to Article 30 of the Statistics Act ( hereinafter referred to as this Act). 第1条本细则依统计法(以下简称本法)第三十条之规定订定之。
Strengthening the enforcement of campus rules and regulations; 加强对校园规章制度的执行力度;
Second, the WTO has a better record on enforcement of rules. 其次,世贸组织在执行规则方面有更好的记录。
( law) applying to methods of enforcement and rules of procedure. (法律)用来指强制的手段和行事规则。
But he says crops like cocoa and coffee are often grown in very rural areas with more poverty and less enforcement of rules. 但他表示,像可可和咖啡这样的农作物通常种植在更贫穷,监管更少的农村地区。
The competent authority shall stipulate enforcement rules for implementing the accreditation and standardization activities referred to in the preceding paragraph. 前项标准化及认证实施办法,由主管机关定之。
Crane is doing what smoking-ban advocates want all businesses to do, even though the state hasn't set enforcement rules or specific fines. Crane所做的正是禁烟支持者对所有商户要求,尽管还没有制定出执行的规则以及明确的处罚方法。
This is what happens if you deregulate, or in China if the enforcement of the rules can be bought and sold. 如果缺乏监管,或者像在中国这样法规的执行度可以用钱来买卖的话,就是这样的后果。
Members of the committee voted by a majority that China qualified for the import because it has dramatically improved its enforcement of ivory rules. 委员会成员大多数通过了中国获得进口象牙的资格,因为中国显著的提高了执行象牙交易的规章制度。
The judges have sole discretion in the interpretation and enforcement of rules, including but not limited to suspension of categories and entrants. 评审团具有规则的界定和执行的独家裁定权,不仅限于对比赛项目和参赛者的评判。
The phenomenon has been underwritten by lax or non-existent enforcement of environmental rules, cheap finance and multiple incentives offered by regions competing for investment. 环保规定执行不力或根本不执行规定、廉价融资以及争夺投资的地方政府提供的多项鼓励措施,都支撑着这种现象。
In general, the system was so inefficient that the mere enforcement of existing rules was always likely to yield higher tax revenues. 总的来说,希腊的体制效率是如此之低,以至于只要严格执行现行规定,就很可能创造更高的税收收入。
But the contagion that has spread to so many eurozone member states points to a broader problem: the incomplete design of the euro area lax monitoring, inadequate enforcement of the rules and non-existence of a crisis management framework. 但危机蔓延到这么多欧元区成员国,这个事实指向一个更普遍的原因:欧元区的设计不完善监控力度不够、规则执行不够充分,以及不存在危机管理框架。
We have a summary of the remarks made by a veteran worker from the Nanjing Radio Factory on the necessity of rigorous enforcement of rules and regulations. This material can be circulated for you all to read. 南京无线电厂有一位老工人讲了严格执行规章制度的必要,这个材料可发给大家看看。
Article 37 The enforcement rules of this Act shall be prescribed by the CCA. 第37条本条例施行细则,由文建会定之。
Insufficient resources of military lawsuit legislation, numerous and jumbled enforcement rules, little respect for relative isolation of military justice, all of which lead to that military judge's role position and conduct mode cannot meet the judicial fair needs. 我国军事诉讼立法资源稀薄,军事审判适用规范庞杂,军事司法的相对独立性得不到应有的尊重,导致军事法官的角色定位与行为模式选择很难满足司法公正的内在要求。
Some experience in safety control based on years 'practice is presented herein, namely regularity of publicity and education, strict enforcement of rules and regulations, safety consciousness of all staff, clarification of post responsibilities, careful examination and practical improvement and standardization of references keeping. 根据多年生产实践的经验,阐述了安全管理要坚持六化,即宣传教育经常化,执行制度严格化,安全责任全员化,岗位责任明确化,检查整改实在化,资料管理规范化。
According to the construction contract and the enforcement rules for construction supervision, the comprehensive supervision was carried out in the whole process of construction of the regulation works so as to enable the survey to be conducted smoothly, and ensure the reliability and accuracy of surveyed data. 为使整个工程的测量工作顺利进行和确保测量资料的可靠性、准确性,监理单位依据工程承建合同以及监理实施细则,对整个施工过程进行了全面监理。
A Study on the Combined Enforcement of European Rules of Origin and Anti-dumping Law Clauses on Anti-circumvention 论欧盟原产地规则与反倾销法反规避条款的结合实施